Effective Tips for Time Management
Time is a limited and valuable resource for everyone; we cannot afford to waste it. In today’s age of social media and Internet, there are a lot of distractions available in the form of several social interaction apps or streaming apps. People struggle with effective time management to complete their tasks on time due to poor prioritization, procrastination, low motivation and even sometimes the inability to say “no”. Once we understand how important time management , we gain motivation to pursue our goals.
To do Lists:
An easy way to get your tasks done on time is to create a “to do” list. A list can be made for your daily tasks or your monthly goals. Seeing all tasks in one place will help you with better planning and understanding of your workload. You can plan a routine set to your needs and make a clear plan on how much time each task needs. By clearly laying on a list what needs to be done and checking it off after the task is complete gives you a sense of accomplishment .It gives you motivation to always finish your work on time.
Once you have set your to do list, you can estimate how much time your each of your tasks are going to need and set a schedule accordingly. It will be easier to manage your time once you have a schedule to guide your day. Take breaks in between to relax a little bit so you have the energy to fulfill all your tasks. It will help if you stick to your schedule when it comes to daily tasks but minor adjustments can always be made if any issue comes up.
Prioritizing tasks are crucial in allowing you to focus your energy on urgent tasks. Do not try to multitask. High priority and difficult work should be completed first so the rest of the day is not as overwhelming. Prioritizing also helps you determine which task in the most urgent and which can be postponed to a later date. You can spend your energy on the urgent work first .You feel more productive and accomplished after finishing your important work and the quality of work will not suffer since you do not have to rush a task once you have prioritized it.
Avoid distractions:
Keep your phone away or on silent mode while working, notifications can be extremely distracting. They can break your concentration when you are immersed in your work and lessen your efficiency. You can scroll through your phone when you are taking a break so as to not waste time when you have to finish work.<br>
Sleep on time:
A person should get almost 7 or 8 hours of sleep to feel refreshed everyday. Having a proper sleeping schedule and resting time helps the most in keeping your mind and body healthy. You are more productive, alert and active when your body is well rested.
Planning tools:
There are several planning tools available to us to manage our time efficiently. Planners, calendars, index cards, pocket diaries, digital diaries and many more can be used to write down your lists, important appointments, meetings and tasks. Apps like time tracker, time manager, and task manager can be used to make you more organized and punctual.<br><br>Once you set your daily routine and schedule and adhere to it consistently, it gives you sense of accomplishment and more motivation to be punctual in your work. Time management makes you feel fulfilled, have a better work-life balance, boost your abilities and makes you feel less stressed.
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