Social-Emotional Learning (SEL)


Social-Emotional learning (SEL) is an educational approach that helps children develop social and emotional skills. It is a methodology through which students can learn empathy, apply their knowledge and skills necessary to process and manage their emotions, which will help them, achieve positive goals and establish successful relationships in life. Social-Emotional learning approach is especially recommended to children who have trouble listening to instructions, making friends or finds studies challenging. According to several researches and studies including one done by “Yale School of Medicine”, students who have participated in SEL programs have benefited positively from the learning experience. Students performed better academics as well as social activities. Students demonstrated increased academic achievement, improved attendance, improved social skills and engagement in learning. Students also develop better mindset, fewer negative behaviors, reduced stress and a positive self-esteem. These developments and skills are something that will have a positive impact on an individual lifelong and help them achieve success in all areas of life. Integrating SEL programs into existing curriculums can foster a positive school environment. Any SEL program should include five important aspects accordingto “CASEL” which stands for Collaborative for Academic, Social and Emotional Learning. It is an organization that promotes the integration of social and emotional learning skills within a child’s education so students can develop responsible decision making skills and an overall positive behavior. These keyfive aspects are:


The ability to understand and recognize emotions and regulate behavior is known as self-awareness. Enhancing your self-awareness can help you deeply understand both your positive and negative emotions, as well as consider how your values, thought processes, and life experiences influence your daily actions. Being aware of yourself allows you to identify your strengths and weaknesses. By recognizing this, you can take steps to improve yourself and make positive changes in your behavior and habits.


The ability to manage and control your work and time effectively is called Self-management. It includes skills of self- organization, monitoring your work, staying motivated and taking responsibility for one’s own behavior and well-being. Developing self- management is considered an introspective process and requires an individual to learn more about their emotional intelligence and will power. It helps an individual be more productive, focused, adaptable and responsible. Self-management skills are highly beneficial in an individual’s professional and personal life.6

Responsible decision-making :

The ability to make thoughtful and informed choices that benefit an individual’s professional and personal life is known as responsible decision-making. The key aspects of decision- making is analyzing a situation, gathering proper information, evaluating the consequences and understanding different perspectives before making a decision. Taking into account about how your decisions may impact other and not compromising on your values and morals is also animportant aspect of responsible decision-making.

Relationship Skills:

This is the ability to establish and maintain positiveand healthy relationships with people around us. Relationship skills are crucial to success in life and work. They include communicating fectively, being a good listener, resisting inappropriate peer pressure,building teamwork skills and seeking and offering help when needed.

Social Awareness

This is the ability to understand, listen and empathize with other people’s perspectives, emotions and experiences even if, sometimes, differ from our own. Social awareness also includes respecting differences in cultural norms and perspectives. It is a nuanced skill that develops through childhood and is a skill that continues to develop and mature throughout adulthood as we learn new information and experiences. Social awareness helps us understand how to contribute positively to the community and the world.Social-Emotional learning advances educational equity, empower young people to contribute positively to society and achieve excellence in all aspects of life. SEL programs will help children hone and develop all the above-mentioned skills. Children will build confidence, self esteem develop problem-solving skills and keep these positive results throughout their life.


The ability to manage and control your work and time effectively is called Self-management. It includes skills of self- organization, monitoring your work, staying motivated and taking responsibility for one’s own behavior and well-being. Developing self- management is considered an introspective process and requires an individual to learn more about their emotional intelligence and will power. It helps an individual be more productive, focused, adaptable and responsible. Self-management skills are highly beneficial in an individual’s professional and personal life.

Responsible decision-making:

The ability to make thoughtful and informed choices that benefit an individual’s professional and personal life is known as responsible decision-making. The key aspects of decision- making is analyzing a situation, gathering proper information, evaluating the consequences and understanding different perspectives before making a decision. Taking into account about how your decisions may impact other and not compromising on your values and morals is also animportant aspect of responsible decision-making. Relationship Skills- This is the ability to establish and maintain positiveand healthy relationships with people around us. Relationship skills are crucial to success in life and work. They include communicating fectively, being a good listener, resisting inappropriate peer pressure,building teamwork skills and seeking and offering help when needed. Social Awareness- This is the ability to understand, listen and empathize with other people’s perspectives, emotions and experiences even if, sometimes, differ from our own. Social awareness also includes respecting differences in cultural norms and perspectives. It is a nuanced skill that develops through childhood and is a skill that continues to develop and mature throughout adulthood as we learn new information and experiences. Social awareness helps us understand how to contribute positively to the community and the world.

Social-Emotional learning advances educational equity, empower young people to contribute positively to society and achieve excellence in all aspects of life. SEL programs will help children hone and develop all the above-mentioned skills. Children will build confidence, self esteem develop problem-solving skills and keep these positive results throughout their life.

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