Blended learning also referred to, as hybrid learning is an educational approach that combines online learning activities like video analysis, podcasts, and articles with traditional face-to-face teaching in a classroom. This method allows students to access learning materials and complete their tasks both in physical classrooms and through digital platforms. If resources like articles, discussion forums relevant to the topic being taught to students is shared with them before class then that frees up the time for the teachers to support students in leading discussions on the topic, activities and facilitate engagement.
Models of Blended learning:
There are several ways to incorporate blended learning in a teaching environment depending on the needs of the students
Flex Model:
The flex model of blended learning offers instruction in person and online and students get to choose the pace of their course. Using adaptive learning platform, students can choose when and where they access of online content. Teachers can assist the students when required helping them address any challenges in the material of the course work.
Flipped Model:
In the flipped model, traditional classroom instruction is reversed. Students are provided with the learning content outside of class, through video lectures and readings. Then in class time is dedicated to discussions, group projects, and exercises to apply the pre-learned material. The flipped model allows for a more personalized and interactive learning experience.
Face to face driver model:
This model is the closest to traditional classroom learning. Most of the training takes place in a classroom under the guidance of the teacher. This approach offers individual support to students who may be struggling to grasp a concept.
Rotational model:
In the rotational model, students in a course rotate between various modalities like online learning, face to face interaction, group discussions and even independent study. There are various sub- models like lab rotation, station rotation and individual rotations. These rotations can be on a fixed schedule or are based on the student’s progress. Teachers decide how much face-to-face interaction is required and how much time to spend on alternative learning activities.
Enriched virtual model:
in the enriched virtual model, most of the learning is conducted in a virtual environment with periodic face-to-face sessions. Students do attend classes and workshops but most of their work is done online.
Benefits of Blended Learning:
Blended learning allows student to learn in multiple ways. There are different ways that people learn and understand a concept. There are people who learn visually or through reading so online videos and articles are beneficial to them. Some people are social learners who thrive with face-to-face instructions. Blended learning allows a flexible approach to learning so that students can understand their material thoroughly.
Blended learning uses a lot of tools for instruction like videos, articles, podcasts and in-person lectures. There is sharing of knowledge through group discussions and activities as well. By utilizing these different techniques, students can fill in any gaps or queries they have in understanding their coursework .
Some models of blended learning allow students to have control over their learning. They can pace themselves when it comes to material or concepts they are having difficulties with. Since they have online reading and visual materials available to them, they can re read information and practice more to grasp it better and seek additional sources.
Combining online components and in-class activities of group projects and discussions encourages students to communicate with each other in and out of classroom. It enhances their communication, teamwork and digital skills.
Online resources provide access to information from around the globe.
Blended or hybrid learning enhances a student’s learning experience and opens up a world of possibilities and information for them. The long-term impact of blended learning will provide a more flexible, accessible and skills oriented approach to education.
pranjal yadav
February 06 2025