How to tackle Fatigue?


Fatigue is a feeling of exhaustion; constant tiredness and lack of energy .It can be both physical and mental exhaustion that is causing you to feel burnt-out. It is a common symptom that almost everyone must have felt at some point in our lives. According to the “National Institute of Medicine”, Fatigue is a potentially weakening symptom that impacts health related quality of life. Fatigue reduces energy, causes a loss of focus and makes it difficult to accomplish daily tasks if left untreated. There can me many factors that lead to a person feeling fatigued epically an unhealthy lifestyle, poor sleeping habits, poor nutrition, stress, overwork, short- term illnesses like cold or fever or an undisclosed medical condition. Most of the time, Fatigue can be tackled by understanding the cause of your exhaustion and with a few healthy lifestyle changes like:


Maintaining a healthy diet can help you reduce fatigue. Reduce your intake of caffeine and junk food and avoid consuming alcohol as much as possible. Caffeine, after giving an initial temporary boost, can lead to a crash that leaves you more tired. Alcohol is a depressant that slows down your central nervous system, slows down the messages between the brain and body and disrupts your sleep cycle. Junk food is high in saturated fat and sugar and does not have enough essential vitamins and minerals to nourish your body. Eating junk food regularly slows your digestion making you feel sluggish and can lead to multiple illnesses. Include leafy vegetables, fresh fruits, nuts, whole grains like brown rice and oatmeal in your diet and eat fish, eggs, pulses and chicken to increase your intake of protein. Make sure you drink plenty of water as hydrating your body helps you feel energized because it helps your cells function more efficiently.

Fix Your Sleep:

Prioritize getting enough sleep to ease your fatigue. Having a consistent sleep schedule allow your body to feel refreshed and well-rested for the next day. During sleep, our bodies go through an essential restorative process including regulating hormones, repairing tissues and sleep is essential for proper cognitive function like decision-making, focus and memory that is why sleep deprivation can make you feel physically drained. Getting at least eight hours of sleep is essential for the body to recharge and function properly. Make a relaxing bedtime routine and avoid your phones or any screen time before going to sleep.


Any form of exercise like walking, yoga or strength training increases oxygen circulation in our bodies, releases endorphins that are feel-good hormones and improves our cardiovascular health. Exercise boosts our heart rate and blood circulation delivering more oxygen to our body and helps us feel less stressed which helps tackle fatigue. Regular exercise can make you feel more energized physically and mentally and keeps you fit.


Stress releases a hormone called cortisol in our body. High levels of cortisol can be harmful to health as it disrupts multiple bodily functions like immune responses, blood-sugar regulation leading to weight gain, high blood pressure and weakened bones. It not just leads to fatigue but can also cause other major illnesses that is why managing stress becomes extremely important to stay healthy. Meditation, practicing mindfulness, getting enough sleep and deep breathing exercises when feeling stressed or overwhelmed are some of the best ways to reduce stress. Indulging in any hobby that relaxes you can also help in stress management like listening to music, reading, going outdoors or playing any sports. Fatigue is a symptom that should never be ignored. It can lead to major illness if left unchecked. If you are feeling more exhausted than usual make sure to practice the above mentioned tips to help reduce fatigue and if it persists, visit a Doctor immediately to stay fit and healthy.

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